We all have things we know we should be doing to be healthy. But it’s not as simple as just doing them. It can be hard to find the motivation.

But sometimes what we think is a lack of motivation is actually a lack of clarity.

When we’re confused about what steps to take we can become immobilized.

A confused mind doesn’t act.

I’ve experienced this myself in many aspects of life, including growing my business.

If I don’t know what to do to move forward, I feel stuck, lost and confused. The day can go by and I feel like I haven’t gotten anything done.

But once I gain clarity on what I should be doing, it becomes simple and easy to move forward. I don’t need to find motivation – I naturally feel creative and inspired.

The same is true when it comes to our health.

With so much conflicting information out there telling you the “right” way to be healthy, there’s no clear path forward.

So many different diets, so many opinions on what to eat what not to eat, when to eat when not to eat, how much to eat or not eat.

It’s overwhelming! The truth is, there’s no one right answer.

What’s right for you is individual to you – to your body and what works in our life.

Gaining clarity around your goals and the path to get there is an essential first step to reaching your goals. Once you have clarity you don’t need to find motivation – you naturally feel inspired and confident to move forward.

So what do you need clarity on that’s preventing you from moving forward?

Ask me about my Strategic Goal Planning Session to help get you started on the path to reaching your goals!
