I help you
reclaim your health and live a life you love

I´m Nicole Oakes
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuro-Psychology and I have earned degrees as a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant through CSNN, a Holistic Therapist and Clinical Herbalist through Wild Rose College of Natural Healing and as an ADAPT Functional Health and Wellness Coach through the Kresser Institute. I have also been trained in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy through the Embody Lab.
I’m a wife, a mother of 2 amazing kids, a holistic health coach, space holder for transformation and a medicine woman. Starting from an early age my life has been defined by many health ups and downs. I had many seemingly mysterious symptoms which were difficult to diagnose. I didn’t fit the mold and my health practitioners didn’t have any answers for me. I felt so misunderstood but I never stopped searching for answers.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve felt my purpose is to help people improve their health and wellness. My goal was to become a doctor. I went as far as the pre-med program at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. That is when my health was at its worst! Again, my doctors were at a loss of what was wrong with me and how to help me. At that time I was introduced to a functional health practitioner and my life was forever changed. After being sickly for most of my life with no answers, I was given a path forward of how to create health and vitality. I healed my body. I was disillusioned by the medical system and their lack of ability to understand how to restore the body to health. So I switched directions and went on to study natural medicine.
I love how life guides you. Being a doctor was not my path. All the sickness and issues which I healed within my body led me to learn all the tools I needed to heal. They led me to completing a degree in Neuropsychology instead of Anatomy, to become a holistic practitioner, an herbalist, a nutritionist, and eventually a health coach and a somatic trauma therapist.

I understand the perseverance and determination it takes to overcome health conditions. I know how it feels to be misunderstood and to not have answers. I also know how to listen to the body and to provide it with what it needs to heal. I’m grateful for everything I went through. It led me to have the personal experience and education that allows me to help others who are also struggling with chronic symptoms and have no answers. As difficult as it was, I’m grateful I was guided to learn a way of healing that is able to think outside the box and to provide people with the answers they are looking for to heal.
I’ve been through a lot – let me tell you! When I was young I was sick all the time, had digestive issues and chronic fatigue. I had food sensitivities, I was plagued by candida, gas, bloating, constipation and chronic sinus infections. I suffered for a few years with migraines. I had severe heavy metal toxicity which cause brain fog and major irritability. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in my 20’s and Mast cell activation syndrome in my 30’s and I had a bout of severe insomnia for months.
I overcame it all and healed my body.

Here’s what I
First of all, our symptoms are messages from the body. We need to pay attention to them and understand what they’re trying to tell us. Second, health isn’t just about the physical body. When dealing with chronic health issues it’s important to look at our mental and emotional bodies. This is the holistic approach and what my training and experience have taught me. Our minds are the most powerful piece affecting our health and are the key to overcoming chronic symptoms that have no physical answers.
Luckily for you, this is my specialty! The path I was led on gave me the training and experience to deeply understand how to listen to the messages of the body and to guide the physical, mental and emotional bodies back into health.
We all have the ability to heal. It’s what the body does best. We have to listen to what it needs from us and get out of the way!
I now live a life full of health and vitality. I never stopped believing that I could heal my body, that I could attain health. I overcame my health issues and so can you. That’s why I created my program, Journey to Radiant Health. I offer a safe space for you to reclaim your health and to allow your body to heal. Reach out to me to find out more.